
How To Repair Screen Door Hinge

Does your screen door need repairs? Whether you lot want to patch it, supercede the screen, or supercede the whole door, here'south tutorials to assist you do it yourself!

I beloved having a screened in porch.

But dang, in the 4 years we lived in our quondam business firm, we did a lot of repairs to ours!

We patched holes, replaced the screen 3 times (nosotros finally splurged on the "pet course" screen which lasted much longer than the standard, and nosotros concluded upwards replacing the whole door when we moved!

Anyways, I experience basically like a screen door repair expert.

And so, I am excited to share tutorials for the three ways that nosotros have repaired our screen door.

Each has it'southward pros and cons and each has information technology'due south purpose.

For more details, I take linked the full tutorials (with pace by stride photos) for each of these processes beneath, too!

But, the info below is enough for you to brand these repairs yourself!

3 screen door repair ideas

Screen Door Repair

When it comes to DIY screen door repair, you have iii options. Escalate these options depending on how damaged your door is:

  1. Patch the screen
  2. Re-screen the door
  3. Replace the unabridged screen door

How to patch a screen door

How to Patch a Screen with a Heat Gun - Charleston Crafted

Patching a screen is an selection for small holes in door and window screen.

Warning: it's not invisible, it'south not perfect. Just a screen patch tin can exist great if you have a spot that you don't actually care if it look perfect and merely desire to patch the hole.

Read our complete guide to patching a screen.


  • Plastic screen, slightly larger than your hole
  • Heat gun
  • Piece of wood such every bit a stir stick
  • Animate protection such equally a face mask


  1. Cut your screen to be slightly larger than your hole.
  2. Place the screen over the pigsty. Hold in place with the stir stick or similar.
  3. Heat up the heat gun. Apply heat where the patch is, plenty to slightly cook the plastic and stick information technology to the underlying screen.
  4. Work effectually the patch until information technology has completely adhered.

How to rescreen a door

How To Replace a Screen Door Screen - Charleston Crafted

If you accept a few holes in a screen or desire a perfect similar-new wait, replacing the screen cloth is the right choice.

This is a surprisingly easy task that any beginner DIYer can do!

Read our complete guide to re-screening a screen door.


  • Drill or screwdriver
  • Flat head screwdriver
  • Replacement screen
  • Spline roller tool
  • Scissors


  1. Remove the door from the hinges. Use the drill to unscrew the screws holding information technology to the door frame and lay it flat. This is much easier to work with!
  2. Remove the handle if information technology's in the mode – simply unscrew the screws.
  3. Look at the groove between your screen and the door. There should be a tiny rubbery strip in that groove. This is chosen the SPLINE. Find the loose end of the spline, pull it out (a flat head screwdriver can aid) and pull the whole spline out.
  4. Remove the old screen. It should be loose and easy to remove now.
  5. Roll out the new screen and cutting so there is about i inch of excess screen beyond the spline.
  6. You can re-use the old spline if information technology's in good shape or use new. Place it along the line and use the spline roller to press the spline into the groove. A flat head screwdriver helps in the corners.
  7. Use scissors to trim whatever backlog screen.
  8. Re-screw the door handle back in place.
  9. Screw dorsum onto the hinges and re-hang the door.

How to replace a screen door

Pilot holes on frame
How to supersede a screen door

In some cases, you might want to replace the entire screen door.

Our former door was made of wood and the wood had rotted and cracked in spots.

When we were preparing to sell our habitation, we decided to supersede the unabridged door with a fiberglass choice.

This is the most expensive option, but it still isn't hard to exercise and is the best choice if your bodily door is damaged.

Read our consummate guide to replacing a screen door.


  • New screen door
  • Drill
  • Pencil


  1. Pre-drill holes for your hinges. Marker your door from the meridian at 12″, xl″ and 68″. Center a hinge on each of these points and brand marks where the screw holes are.
  2. Attach two of the hinges into place, but don't fully screw them in. Leave them a fiddling loose for aligning on the door frame later.
  3. Employ a drill to remove your onetime screen door by removing the screws holding the hinges in identify on the door frame.
  4. Set up the door frame the same way yous prepared the door. Make your marks at the aforementioned 12″, forty″ and 68″ measurements from the height of the door frame.
  5. Attach the swivel centre to the door frame and mark where the spiral holes need to be. Drill pilot holes for the screws. Attach that swivel into the last spot on the door.
  6. Line up the top hinge of the door centered on your pilot holes in the door frame. Screw the top swivel in, leaving a little room for wiggle. Spiral in the middle and bottom hinges.
  7. Go back and adjust the door up or down or side to side equally needed, utilizing the wiggle room left in the screws. Tighten the screws into place.
  8. Attach a handle and a latch if your door did not come with 1.

Any more questions almost repairing screen doors?

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