
How To Repair A Wet Simcard

Mutual communication says that if you've dropped your phone the toilet—or some other body of h2o—all y'all take to practice is toss your afflicted phone into a bowl of rice and everything will be fine come morning.

Sadly, this is more than a myth than useful advice. Just that doesn't mean you lot should give up on your smartphone. Before you try going to a repair shop and potentially spending hundreds of dollars, in that location are plenty of DIY hacks you tin can attempt out.

Waterproof vs. Water-Resistant

Kickoff, it's worth knowing if your phone is in any real danger. In recent years, many telephone makers take made their devices water-resistant. Just water resistant is not the aforementioned thing equally waterproof.

Waterproof ways that a device is impervious to water for any duration while h2o-resistant ways that a given device is graded for h2o exposure for a given amount of time and up to a sure depth. When we talk about watches, smartphones, and tablets, we usually mean water-resistant.

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To figure out how tough your phone stands up against h2o, you'll demand to familiarize yourself with the IP standard, which the International Electrotechnical Commission in Geneva, Switzerland drew upwards to designate how resistant an electronic device is to fresh water and other mutual materials like clay, dust, or sand.

The side by side digit, following "IP," is the rating for a device'south resistance to solids. So, all water-resistant phones start out with "IP6" in the lawmaking name, which tells you that no harmful dirt or dust will get into the unit of measurement even after direct contact for eight hours.

The fourth digit volition be either a 7 or an 8, meaning your device is either rated IP67 or IP68. The former standard means that your telephone can exist submerged in up to one meter of fresh water for about 30 minutes without any seeping into the device, while IP68 means that the device tin can be submerged in upwardly to one.v meters of water for upwardly to 30 minutes.

Modern phones that come across the IP67 standard include the iPhone X and iPhone 8, while newer phones like the iPhone xi Pro, Samsung Galaxy Note 10, and Google Pixel 4 meet the IP68 standard.

But if your device doesn't meet either standard, like cheaper phones similar the Pixel 3a, you'll demand to jump into action.

Outset, Turn Off Your Phone

Close-up of sim card and mobile phone on white table

Halfdark Getty Images

After you've fished out your telephone, immediately power down the device to reduce the gamble of any electronic components shorting on you.

Adjacent, employ a pin or a SIM card removal tool to pop open the SIM tray and remove the SIM bill of fare. H2o could have gotten into this tiny opening and you lot don't want to risk having to replace your SIM card, too. It's non a huge expense, but it tin be a pain.

⚠️Also take out your battery, but more likely than not your telephone doesn't have a removable battery.

Dry Your Phone ASAP

Samsung Galaxy S5 smartphone, back removed, showing battery, Sim card

RapidEye Getty Images

Side by side up: dry your phone off. This sounds like the simplest step, but this is actually where things get tricky. While rice is that e'er-popular urban legend, information technology might not be the best material to soak up excess Water.

Don't even think well-nigh taking a hair dryer to your handset. Added heat could cause corrosion if at that place is any h2o on your phone's hardware. Instead, start with a soft, microfiber cloth, the kind you use to wipe smudges off of your spectacles. If you tin remove the back console of your phone, employ a fabric to wipe downwards the components within.

This should become without saying but don't put information technology in the microwave. You're only going to catch your telephone on fire, which certainly will arrive dry out, just not very operational. Instead, if yous want some warmth to coax out whatever water has non yet dissipated, consider letting your telephone rest on a windowsill in some sunlight or using air-in-a-can to nail the water out.

And then About That Rice...

High Angle View Of Silica Gel Over Black Background

Mgr. Jakub Cuba / EyeEm Getty Images

You could effort powering your phone on at this signal to appraise the damage, simply nosotros recommend taking a further pace before risking turning the phone on. Submerge your phone in a desiccant—a substance that volition induce dryness past absorbing water. That's but a fancy way of saying, grab the rice.

But rice isn't every bit absorbent as you may think. Gazelle, a company known for buying used and broken devices and then reselling them, conducted a series of experiments to meet which desiccants worked all-time with which phones. In the tests, Gazelle submerged ix dissimilar smartphones for x seconds each before placing the phones into a basin of some absorptive household cloth, like rice.

"If a drying agent is used, silica gel is the all-time of the options tested, followed past couscous and instant rice."

Six of 9 devices did ability back on later on using the rice method and another two were recovered enough to at least pull most of the data from the phone. Interestingly, Samsung devices did better with the rice than iPhones.

However, information technology turned out that rice was still an "inferior" drying amanuensis, coming behind not simply silica gel—the packets that come up in the parcel with nearly electronics to keep moisture at bay during shipment and throughout a device'south shelf life—but likewise other materials similar oats and couscous.

"If a drying amanuensis is used, silica gel is the best of the options tested, followed by couscous and instant rice. Conventional true cat litter, oats, and chia seeds are not recommended because of the dust and debris that they deposit inside of the phone," the company wrote in its findings. "Water damage recovery kits that incorporate small quantities of silica gel are not recommended considering they are unlikely to perform every bit well as open air. Uncooked white rice is not recommended due to its poor performance equally a drying agent."

Then use silica instead of rice. If yous don't take that, try some oats. Never seal the container that you're using, y'all desire the h2o to evaporate.

If All Else Fails...

If your phone was submerged for a good amount of time or your phone short-circuited, you still accept options. Apple accepts water-damaged phones every bit part of its trade-in plan, though y'all'll have to have tempered expectations for how much money you'll get on a souvenir carte du jour, in return.

If you're not Team iPhone, yous can resell your telephone on a site like Gazelle, which as well accepts water-damaged devices. If those methods don't yield enough cash to buy a new phone, peradventure y'all can at least buy a waterproof case in training for your side by side 1.

What Most Tablets and Laptops?

With tablets, you'll want to follow the same general rules equally above, though you may not take a sim card to remove. With laptops, though, your approach will diverge a scrap—good luck fitting your laptop into a bowl of silica gel.

The same rules utilize as above for laptops, merely with a few additions. For instance, while powering down a laptop to avoid short-circuiting, don't attempt to pull any chargers out of the wall with your bare hands—it's a serious daze threat. Instead, turn off the power by flipping the corresponding switches in your circuit billow before you unplug the charger. Take the back plate off and wipe downwards the components with a microfiber towel. You should set up the computer upside and let it to air dry. When you power back on, you should be proficient to become.

If non, try replacing the battery. If you lot're still stuck, well, y'all're just going to accept to hit a repair shop.

Senior Editor Before joining Pop Mech, Courtney was the technology reporter at her hometown paper, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.

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